Practical Skills Assignment Part B

Doing & Documenting (due; Friday May 8th)

Do not proceed until you get the green light from me (check my comments on your assessment from part A).  Some of you have chosen to pursue practical skills that, due to inherent safety concerns, will need to have a parent or guardian sign off as supervisors.  Others may simply need some further information by way of feedback before proceeding.

Got the go ahead?  Time to get started…

Begin your skill development.  This may be straight forward, or this might be an involved process.  You may need to revisit the research step as questions arise.  Remember, the goal is not just to ‘do‘ whatever it is you have chosen to do, but to ‘Do It Right’ and to do this your research should inform your process.  Do your best to master your chosen skill in consideration of the time constraints of the assignment.

In Part C of this Assignment you will be presenting your skills/knowledge in a manner that leads me to believe that you have learned something from this process.  You will need to document your ‘doing’ so as to be able to convince me that it is you that did the doing.  Pictures at key points and/or short video clips would work well for this.

As for Part B, this part of the assignment, I ask that you make brief notes as you progress through your work.  These should include:

  • A Timeline – When did you start?  Times/dates when milestones were reached.  Overall time spent.
  • Thoughts & Observations – Brief thoughts as you progress through the various steps that make up your task
    • Example 1 Painting – “it is very important to clean the brush thoroughly after use to avoid returning to a stiff, unusable brush the next day – grrrr ☹”
    • Example 2 Oil Change – “take into consideration the arc that will be formed by the exiting oil as it leaves the drain hole when it is located on the side of the oil pan. Positioning the bucket directly beneath the drain hole will likely lead to unwanted clean up ☹”

Submit your notes (timeline and thoughts) by emailing me either a MS Word or Google Doc.  Assignment due: Sunday, May 3rd

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